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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - hate


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~1 v 1 to dislike someone very much and feel angry towards them  (Jill really hates her stepfather. | hate sb's guts informal (=hat someone very much)) 2 informal to dislike something very much  (I hate housework. | Liz won't eat that, she hates bananas. | hate doing sth)  (Paul hates having his photo taken. | hate to do sth)  (I hate to see you making a fool of yourself. | hate sb doing sth)  (Jenny's mother hates her staying out late. | hate it when)  (I hate it when people ask me for money.) 3 I'd hate (sb) to do sth spoken used to emphasize that you really do not want something to happen  (I'd hate you to go.) 4 I hate to think what/how spoken used when you feel sure that something would have a bad result  (I hate to think what would have happened, if you hadn't called the police.) 5 I hate to ask/interrupt/disturb etc spoken used to say that you are sorry that you have to ask etc  (I hate to ask, but would you be able to give me a lift home tonight?) 6 I hate to (have to) say this, but... spoken used when saying something that you do not want to say, for example because it is embarrassing - hated adj  (the hated dictator)  (- opposite love1) ~2 n an angry unpleasant feeling that someone has when they hate someone and want to harm them  (Their minds were poisoned with envy and hate.)  (- opposite love2 (1), - see also pet hate (pet3 (2)))
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  (hates, hating, hated) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you hate someone or something, you have an extremely strong feeling of dislike for them. Most people hate him, but they don’t dare to say so, because he still rules the country... = detest, loathe ? love VERB: V n • Hate is also a noun. I was 17 and filled with a lot of hate... = hatred N-UNCOUNT • hated He’s probably the most hated man in this county. = detested ADJ: ADJ n 2. If you say that you hate something such as a particular activity, you mean that you find it very unpleasant. Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually... He hates to be interrupted during training... He hated coming home to the empty house... I hate it when people accuse us of that... I would hate him to think I’m trying to trap him... She hates me having any fun and is quite jealous and spoiled. = dislike ? love, like VERB: no cont, V n, V to-inf, V -ing, V it wh, V n to-inf, V n -ing 3. You can use hate in expressions such as ‘I hate to trouble you’ or ‘I hate to bother you’ when you are apologizing to someone for interrupting them or asking them to do something. I hate to rush you but I have another appointment later on. VERB: no cont, V to-inf c darkgreen]politeness 4. You can use hate in expressions such as ‘I hate to say it’ or ‘I hate to tell you’ when you want to express regret about what you are about to say, because you think it is unpleasant or should not be the case. I hate to admit it, but you were right. VERB: no cont, V to-inf c darkgreen]feelings 5. to hate someone’s guts: see gut 6. You can use hate in expressions such as ‘I hate to see’ or ‘I hate to think’ when you are emphasizing that you find a situation or an idea unpleasant. I just hate to see you doing this to yourself. VERB: no cont, V to-inf c darkgreen]emphasis 7. You can use hate in expressions such as ‘I’d hate to think’ when you hope that...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz ~, Greek kedos care  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury  b. extreme dislike or antipathy ; loathing had a great ~ of hard work  2. an object of hatred a generation whose finest ~ had been big business — F. L. Paxson  II. verb  (~d; hating)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to feel extreme enmity toward ~s his country's enemies  2. to have a strong aversion to ; find very distasteful ~d to have to meet strangers ~ hypocrisy  intransitive verb to express or feel extreme enmity or active hostility  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, detest, abhor, abominate, loathe mean to feel strong aversion or intense dislike for. ~ implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmity or malice ~d the enemy with a passion. detest suggests violent antipathy detests cowards. abhor implies a deep often shuddering repugnance a crime abhorred by all. abominate suggests strong detestation and often moral condemnation abominates all forms of violence. loathe implies utter disgust and intolerance loathed the mere sight of them. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 dislike intensely; feel hatred towards. 2 colloq. a dislike. b (foll. by verbal noun or to + infin.) be reluctant (to do something) (I hate to disturb you). --n. 1 hatred. 2 colloq. a hated person or thing. Derivatives hatable adj. (also hateable). hater n. Etymology: OE hatian f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. ненависть; отвращение, омерзение 2. объект ненависти snakes are her special hate —- к змеям она испытывает особое отвращение he is her pet hate —- она его терпеть не может 3. ненавидеть; не выносить, не терпеть; испытывать отвращение to hate hypocrisy —- ненавидеть лицемерие to hate smth., smb. like poison (like the plague) —- смертельно (люто, всеми фибрами (своей) души) ненавидеть что-л., кого-л. I hate myself for consenting —- (я) простить себе не могу (я сам себе противен), что согласился 4. очень сожалеть (о чем-л.); очень не хотеть I hate to hurt his feelings —- мне бы очень не хотелось причинять ему боль he hates to be (being) bothered —- он очень не любит, чтобы ему мешали I hate troubling you —- мне очень жаль (мне очень не хочется) беспокоить вас I hate you to talk about it —- мне крайне неприятно, что вы об этом говорите ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  like poison смертельно ненавидеть HATE  1. noun ненависть  2. v.  1) ненавидеть  2) coll. не хотеть, испытывать неловкость I hate to trouble you - мне очень неудобно беспокоить вас ...
Англо-русский словарь
  softw. abbr. Harness For Algorithm Testing And Evaluation gen. comp. abbr. Highly Aspirated Turboed Engineering religion abbr. Horrible Angry Terrible Evil gen. bus. abbr. HALF ASS TEMPLATE Engineering ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. hatian "to hate," from P.Gmc. *khatojanan, from PIE base *kedes- "feel strongly." The noun is O.E. hete "hatred, spite," from P.Gmc. *khatis-, altered in M.E. to conform with the verb. Hatred is M.E. hate + rare suffix -red, from O.E. rжden "state, condition." HAUBERK - M.E., from O.Fr. hauberc, earlier holberc, from a Gmc. source (cf. O.H.G. halsberg), from hals "neck" + bergan "to cover, protect." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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